Game Changing Organic Search Engine Optimization
The major search engines, such as Yahoo!, Bing, and Google rely on keywords to direct web traffic to sites that interest users. Over 87 billion web searches are conducted each month, making search engines far and away the most used method of getting information and finding resources such as companies. The practice of creating and implementing keywords to drive traffic is called search engine optimization, or SEO, for short. This method of guiding users to your website is based on algorithms that incorporate previous traffic, content, and keywords to determine where in the search results a given website will appear. However, achieving a higher search engine ranking is only the beginning of what SEO can do for your business.
At eComp Marketing, our mission is not just to get you to the front page of the search engine results, but to keep you there! Since 2007, we have served over 6,000 clients around the globe, establishing ourselves as an industry leader in getting clients more web traffic, better search engine rankings, and creating timely, useful content that draws users and converts them into paying customers.
Our expert SEO offers a wide range of services, including:
- Website Analysis
- SEO Keyword Analysis
- Link Building
- Website Development
- Content Writing & Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- KPI (key performance indicator) Reporting
- Local SEO
- National/International SEO
All of this sounds impressive, but you may be wondering what it means. Read on for an explanation of what each term is and how eComp Marketing can apply it to helping your company succeed!
-Website Optimization Analysis
Is your website doing all it can to draw users and keep their interest? What are its strong and weak points? Can the weak points be converted into strengths? All of these factors influence how your website will perform in search engine rankings. Our SEO experts analyze your website from the ground up, to find out what the user experience is like, how your content is organized, and how to make it better for your users!
-SEO keyword analysis
Having the wrong keywords is almost as bad as having no keywords at all. The trouble is that your competitors are using the same or similar keywords to market to your clientele. E-Comp Enterprises' SEO analysts use the latest analytics and information to help make the most of your existing keywords and create contextually similar words that will bring more traffic to your site by not only using the "tried and true" keywords but also words that you might not have thought of. This also includes determining what keywords draw the most traffic and allows you to make better use of precious space on your website.
-Link Building
The more links there are to and from your site, the more "interesting" it is to search engines. Generating links to expert sources allows you to tap some of the cache these sites enjoy and direct users your way. Our SEO experts can help any business create links to other sites that feature pertinent, relevant information of real value to users.
-Website Design
If your business doesn't have a website yet, all the search engine optimization in the world won't help you. E-Comp Enterprises can create an interesting, visually stunning site that encourages visitors to look around and interact with you and your business. If you already have a website, we can make it better, more user-friendly, and more effective at getting your message to the people who need it most: potential clients.
-Content Writing and Development
Not everyone is a born writer, and that's okay. Not having timely, interesting, relatable content on your website can prevent users from ever finding your site at all, however. Good content includes not only having the right keywords, but incorporating those keywords into website copy in a way that is logical, natural, and flows well when read. E-Comp Enterprises' search engine optimization experts also know how to develop and create hard-hitting, informative content that not only engages the reader, but helps convince the reader that your company is the first and only place they need to go to find what they need.
-Marketing Analytics
All the bells and whistles in the world don't mean anything if you can't track the progress of your campaign. E-Comp Enterprises uses the latest and most advanced analytics available to analyze your campaign and social media outlets and determine where the marketing efforts are paying off and where they may need more effort or a new twist to be effective.
-Keyword Performance Reporting
Key performance indicators are ways of measuring benchmarks as a means of analyzing campaign success. Some of these may include Facebook likes, overall conversions, or tracking visitors versus buyers on a given website. E-Comp Enterprises' experienced SEO analysts gather and report KPI data so you always know how your campaign is going and where the problems are, if any. This in turn gives you the power to make more informed decisions about how to proceed.
-Local Search
The customers in your own backyard are the ones who need you most. By using local SEO techniques, E-Comp Enterprises can help you guide local traffic to your site. This includes incorporating local names, neighborhoods and landmarks as keywords, as well as making your site's content specific enough to point users right to your storefront for more information or assistance.
-International Search
If you want to create a sensation across national borders, you need the tools to converse in a number of different languages and target markets that are primarily multilingual. E-Comp Enterprises' SEO experts can help you reach out to international markets with powerful global search and location strategies and techniques tailored to the needs of your business.
Whether your online image needs a facelift or a complete build from the ground up, E-Comp Enterprises has the tools, knowledge, expertise and experience to help you achieve the desired results. Contact us for a custom proposal that meets your needs and can take your online business to the next level!